Who 4 You Decider app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: Courtney Kennedy
First release : 15 Jul 2015
App size: 11.85 Mb
Having trouble deciding if he/she is right for you? Or if someone else is a better fit? Let "Who 4 You Decider" help. This simple yet powerful tool uses a strategic integrated-risk matrix to score your options. The smart tools of industry, applied to your love life! Take a step back and see if your heart and your head match up.
Keep it simple and use our default list of questions, or customize. The "Who 4 You" features allow you to add questions, adjust how important each question is to you, delete questions, and assign grade ranges. Scores automatically readjust. It couldnt be simpler! Behind the scenes, "Who 4 You" turns your answers into scores so you can easily see who comes out on top.